Vyberte si výtahy a eskalátory pro svůj projekt
Vyzkoušejte naše online nástroje pro plánování výtahů a eskalátorů a prozkoumejte různé návrhy, možnosti a konfigurace pro vaši příští budovu.
Vyzkoušejte naše online nástroje pro plánování výtahů a eskalátorů a prozkoumejte různé návrhy, možnosti a konfigurace pro vaši příští budovu.
Naše řešení zajišťují soulad s předpisy a nařízeními, včetně přístupnosti, odolnosti proti vandalismu a provozu při požáru. Všechna řešení splňují evropské bezpečnostní normy ČSN EN81-20 a ČSN EN81-50 pro konstrukci a výrobu výtahů.
Když mluvíme o výtazích, eskalátorech a automatických dveřích do budov, je někdy nutné používat odborné termíny a zkratky. Abychom to všem usnadnili, vytvořili jsme praktický slovníček, který vysvětluje běžně používanou terminologii.
07 - WURTH_aktivní čistič oken
08 - WURTH_Čistič bŕzd UNI RAPID
09 - WURTH_odmašťovač brzd RAPID PLUS
Kontaktujte nás skrze formulář. Náš zástupce se s vámi co nejdříve spojí.
Tato brožura vám pomůže s úvodem do hlavních fází procesu, od počátečního plánování až po výběr správných dveří pro váš projekt. Najděte vhodné řešení pro konkrétní typ budovy.
Péče o vaše zařízení po celou dobu jeho životnosti
Our reliable operator designed specifically for use with hermetic sliding doors ensures smooth, safe people flow in a wide range of medical and other hygiene-critical environments.
KONE JumpLift makes efficient use of the elevator shaft during the construction phase, whether you're looking to speed up construction schedules, avoid redundant work, or improve logistics.
Whether you need design models for initial plans, or more detailed construction models, our BIM models provide you with relevant information, measurements, and details relating to our equipment.
Our materials and accessories guide provides handy tips on creating the perfect custom elevator design for your building and details our extensive range of materials and accessories.
Architectural planning datasheets for the KONE TransitMaster 140 escalator.
Architectural planning datasheets for the KONE TravelMaster 115 inclined autowalk.
Our handbook for facility managers and building owners in the retail sector covers the challenges of maintaining people flow and how KONE helps solve them.
This fact sheet gives an overview of the main changes to the safety and accessibility requirements introduced in EN 81-20:2014 and EN 81-50:201
Travelator design and product information in a nutshell for KONE TransitMaster™ 165 travelator.
Our guide covering the materials, accessories, signalization options, and car and shaft dimensions for elevators installed in transit centers.
Our guide covering the materials, accessories, signalization options, and car and shaft dimensions for elevators installed in airports facilities.
Our guide covering the materials, accessories, signalization options, and car and shaft dimensions for elevators installed in medical facilities.
Our easy-to-use planning guide takes you through the options for creating smooth, safe people flow in different types of retail environments, from shopping centers to big-box stores.
This guide provides all the basic information needed when planning elevators for public transportation environments, including guidance on choosing hoisting components and car materials.
Our range of solutions designed to cope with the tough demands of busy transit center environments includes elevators, escalators, autowalks, and doors.
Our solutions for the unique demands of airport environments help manage the flow of people and goods into and through the airport safely, reliably, and efficiently.
Innovative solutions that combine proven technology and inspiring car designs to create elevators that are attractive and spacious, and which enhance the image of any building.
Available options for car operating panel, floor buttons, and landing devices for the KONE KDS330 signalization range.
Available options for car operating panel, floor buttons, and landing devices for the KONE KDS300 signalization range.
Upgrade the control element of any brand of automatic sliding door in just a few hours – with no changes to the door construction – for improved safety, reliability, and efficiency.
Our standardized elevator with a compact machine room provides reliable, efficient, and comfortable transport between floors in the affordable residential segment.
Our handy safety information factsheet with simple tips on how to enhance the safety of your automatic building doors through proper use and maintenance.
Our turnstile gate solutions improve security, guidance, and convenience in your building. All our turnstiles are easy to use, durable, and eco-efficient.
A smart, flexible half-height sensor barrier for public and commercial buildings and airports, where high throughput and comfortable access are important requirements.
An energy-efficient access control solution for buildings where high throughput, durability, and easy operation are important requirements.
A new benchmark in turnstile usability, flexibility, and visual appearance that enables easy, efficient building management and adds real value to your property.
The KSP858 is a touchscreen DOP incorporating the latest capacitive touchscreen technology and a highly intuitive interface for an effortless elevator experience.
The KONE InfoScreen is a quick and easy way to deliver multimedia and web-based information and improve guidance in your building. It can be used to inform and entertain, and to guide passengers for smoother and safer people flow in the facility.
KONE E-Link enables elevator and escalator system monitoring from one location, helping you secure the best possible tenant service quality, reliability and efficiency of the elevators and escalators in your building.
This planning guide provides the general information about KONE Access necessary for specification and installation of the system, intended for those involved in related areas such as electrical installation and building security access.
KONE Access Control Interface connects any access control system with the KONE elevator control system to increase security in the building while improving people flow.
A comprehensive access solution, KONE Access features a fully scalable access control system that is seamlessly integrated with your elevator system, turnstiles, and building doors.
KONE Modular Based Maintenance helps us find and fix potential faults before they can cause downtime, helping you ensure quality service and improve end-user safety.
Understanding of your maintenance requirements: choose from our three maintenance packages the level of care you need.
A complete drive and electrification modernization solution for elevators in high rise buildings. Modernization with KONE ReSolve 800 improves reliability, safety and energy-efficiency.
An electrification modernization solution for elevators in low- to mid-rise buildings that replaces obsolete relays and other electrical components, improving performance, safety and energy efficiency.
Modernizing the elevator hoisting brings reliability, accessibility and safety benefits – and can be done in only 5 days.
Modernizing the elevator door system with KONE ReNova improves the safety, performance and reliability of the doors. This can also be an ideal opportunity to upgrade aesthetics as well as accessibility for your passengers.
A high-performance solution for elevators in high-rise buildings that help you maintain your building’s status as a prime property within your market.
A comprehensive controller and hoisting elevator modernization improves safety, accessibility and minimizes lifetime costs.
KONE ReFresh is a quick and easy way to upgrade the appearance of your elevator. This elevator car modernization solution has been developed to integrate smoothly with existing installations.
Výtahové řešení, které lze nainstalovat prakticky do každé budovy. Kompaktní výtah KONE ProSpace je navržen tak, aby se vešel i do prostor schodiště.
Our comprehensive, flexible People Flow Intelligence solutions help people move around your building quickly and comfortably while improving security.
Our noise-reduction package for existing KONE MaxiSpace lifts comprises new pulleys and isolated guide-rail clips, as well as replacement machine bed-plate isolation.
This flush-mounted signalization solution is designed for use in residential and commercial buildings.
This surface-mounted signalization solution is designed to reduce energy consumption in residential and commercial buildings.
This surface-mounted signalization solution is designed to reduce energy consumption in residential and commercial buildings.
This surface-mounted signalization solution is designed to reduce energy consumption in residential and commercial buildings.
This surface-mounted signalization solution is designed to reduce energy consumption in residential and commercial buildings.
This surface-mounted signalization solution is designed to reduce energy consumption in residential and commercial buildings.
Potřebuje váš hydraulický výtah zlepšení? Zjistěte, zda má výtah jednoduchý píst a objevte vylepšený dvojitý píst.
The KONE MR12 and MR17 hoisting units are designed for modular modernization of elevators in residential, small hotel and small office buildings. These hoisting units have been designed to minimize installation time.
Every aspect of the upgraded KONE MonoSpace® is designed to add real value to your building and maximize comfort, safety, and convenience for passengers.
Every aspect of the upgraded KONE MonoSpace® is designed to add real value to your building and maximize comfort, safety, and convenience for passengers.
Ensure that your elevators and escalators are installed on time, with the excellent ride comfort and aesthetic appearance you expect.
Tento balíček kombinuje široký rozsah vylepšení v jednoduché a cenově dostupné nabídce a pokrývá rozvaděč, osvětlení i signalizaci vašeho výtahu.
Is your elevator or escalator reliable? Is it safe? Are there opportunities for you to reduce your elevator energy consumption and avoid unpredictable repair costs? The KONE Care for Life analysis helps you answer these questions.
Náš nový balíček pro výtahy s automatickými dveřmi zaručuje tiché otevírání a zavírání a funkci plně nastavitelné rychlosti, která nejlépe vyhovuje potřebám ve vaší budově.
Náš modernizační balíček pro všechny typy výtahů obsahuje nový omezovač rychlosti, nová lana a nový typ zachycovačů zabraňující nadměrné rychlosti kabiny směrem vzhůru. Tato zlepšení při překročení rychlosti zajistí bezpečné a kontrolované zastavení.
Our complete solution for firefighters elevators fulfills both the environmental and functional requirements of EN 81-72, and is available with a range of design options.
A full escalator or moving walk modernization without removing the truss. Our EcoMod solution eliminates costly structural modifications while preserving existing building décor.
Architectural planning datasheets for the KONE TravelMaster 110 escalator.
Product information in a nutshell for KONE TravelMaster™ 110 commercial escalator.
Architectural planning datasheets for the KONE TransitMaster 120 escalator.
Product information in a nutshell for KONE TransitMaster 120 escalator.
The KONE InnoTrack is the world's first autowalk that doesn’t need a pit, meaning it can be installed in finished buildings on any floor and easily lengthened or shortened as required.
This guide details the options and planning dimensions for the KONE TravelMaster 115 inclined autowalk, which is designed for retail environments like shopping centers and hypermarkets.
Escalator design and product information in a nutshell for KONE TransitMaster™ 140 escalator.
Our flexible range of escalators and autowalks can be tailored to a wide range of applications, and are all based on the same reliable technology and modern visual design.
The KONE S MonoSpace is a world-class elevator solution for residential buildings that offers excellent eco-efficiency, smooth ride comfort, and award-winning design.
The KONE S MiniSpace is a versatile and reliable elevator with a compact machine room. It is ideal for offices, hotels, and residential buildings.
Díky dokonale promyšlenému projektovému řízení při instalaci výtahu KONE NanoSpace zkrátíme dobu čekání na nový výtah uživatelů domu na minimum.
The KONE N MonoSpace is a world-class elevator solution for residential buildings that offers excellent eco-efficiency, smooth ride comfort, and award-winning design.
Based on our proven, eco-efficient technology, the KONE N MiniSpace features a highly compact machine room and is designed specifically for residential buildings.
A brand new elevator is an investment in your buildings future. Get all the benefits of a new elevator in an existing shaft
KONE's leading elevator solutions for commercial buildings offer the best in ride comfort, eco-efficiency, and design, and can also be integrated with destination and access control solutions.
Options and shaft dimensions for the KONE MonoSpace 700, an eco-efficient elevator solution for commercial and residential buildings with demanding people-flow and ride-comfort requirements.
Options and shaft dimensions for KONE MonoSpace 500, an eco-efficient elevator solution for residential or commercial buildings that features a broad range of interior options.
KONE MiniSpace elevators combine the eco-efficient KONE EcoDisc motor with a compact machine room, and are ideal for offices, hotels, and residential buildings of up to 63 stories.
The KONE E MiniSpace is an economical solution for providing reliable, efficient, and comfortable transport in residential buildings, incorporating KONE's core technology innovations.
Výkonný výtah KONE TranSys je mimořádně prostorný a nevyžaduje strojovnu, což usnadňuje jeho umístění v budově a krátí dobu instalace.
Our comprehensive range of people and goods flow solutions designed for the unique demands of medical facilities, including elevators, escalators, and doors.
We can help you turn people flow into cash flow – whether you’re planning and designing a new facility or upgrading your existing equipment.
Available options for destination and car operating panels, elevator identifiers, destination indicators, and landing devices for KONE KSS800 and KSS900 signalization.
Our functional signalization family for residential buildings combines simple features, good visibility, and easy accessibility with sophisticated design.
KSS140 is a stylish yet extremely durable signalization series that provides excellent protection against vandalism. It is ideal for public transport hubs, airports, and retail buildings.
Available options for car operating panel, floor buttons, and landing devices for the KONE KDS50 signalization range.
The KONE E MonoSpace is an economical solution for providing reliable, efficient, and comfortable transport between floors in residential buildings.
Our stylish design signalization options add the finishing touches to your elevator by helping you create a design that reflects the look and feel of your building.
The KONE Design Collection is a set of inspiring elevator car interiors created by KONE’s award-winning design team. Browse our design themes and get tips on choosing the right design.
Naše řešení pro využití času na stavbě pomáhají dopravit pracovníky a materiál na správné místo ve správný čas, čímž šetří stovky cenných hodin a urychlují harmonogramy výstavby.
Spolehlivý výtah pro nízké obytné budovy je jednoduchý na údržbu a nabízíme jej se širokou škálou atraktivních designových prvků.
This step-by-step guide to the elevator modernization process helps you plan your project in the best possible way.
The KONE UniSwing package is suitable for upgrading the operator element of existing swing doors, for automating manual swing doors, and for new door installations.
Our easy-to-use, customizable operator for sliding doors features a slim design that makes it ideal for automating manual sliding doors in space-restricted areas.
Designed to meet the needs of a wide range of demanding environments, our comprehensive range of automatic swing door operators work with different types of swing doors, including double swing doors. They are fully automatic, incorporate the latest intelligent operator technology, and provide reliable long-term performance.
Our sliding doors are flexible, easy to install, and comply with the latest safety standards. We offer a double sliding door that is suitable for a wide variety of building types and can be adjusted for the demands of many environments.
Our high-quality, durable sectional overhead doors ensure the safe flow of goods and people in warehouses, showrooms, logistics centers, and retail and industrial premises.
Our stylish and energy-efficient revolving doors provide smooth, safe building access for offices, hotels, retail centers, airports, and medical facilities.
Our high-speed internal and external sectional doors improve goods flow and cut energy costs in logistics centers, food processing and distribution facilities, and vehicle storage areas.
Our magnetic doors are ideal for buildings where access, usability, and hygiene are important requirements. Gliding doors maximize the width of doors with wheelchair access.
KONE hermetic doors are specifically designed for use in any areas where air permeability, hygiene, and noise insulation are critical, such as operating theaters, laboratories, clean rooms, and silent areas.
With hermetic doors, full glass doors, or laboratory doors our range of specialized solutions for medical facilities help patients, staff, visitors, and goods move around smoothly and safely.
Browse our full range of door solutions for the smoother flow of people and goods, including revolving, sliding, gliding, and industrial doors, as well as turnstiles.
When these door installation absolutes checklist is in place, KONE can do its job fast, safely and without interruption, and you can keep to your construction schedule. This is valid for new installation, full replacement and repairs.
A versatile, durable, and economical solution that gives you smooth and safe rotating glass doors for buildings such as shops, hotels, and medium-size commercial centers.
A wide entrance solution that is perfect for busy environments, such as airports, medical facilities, large retail centers, and educational facilities, where smooth people flow and high throughput volume are key requirements.
A premium solution that brings stylish revolving doors to buildings where visual appearance is as important as performance. With high-quality glass and steel design, it is a great example of why revolving doors are perfect for modern glass façades that are common in high-end office buildings and hotels.
A complete analysis of your building doors, including an assessment of your equipment, a report on its condition and recommendations for improvement.
The KSP 978/979 are touchscreen destination operating panels incorporating the latest capacitive touchscreen technology and a highly intuitive interface for an effortless elevator experience.